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There is no recommended length for the document as this will depend on the number of modules, length of programme and other factors, such as information you may be required to provide for a professional body. Remember: the validation document forms the basis for the Definitive Programme Document, although of course there may be additions post-validation. The tone of the document should be factual what you say here is how you will be expected to run the programme over the next three to five years. The Definitive Document will be a key resource for the future, setting out programme regulations, admissions criteria and procedures, progression requirements, and all aspects of programme management. You may be surprised at the number of queries we receive from graduates, needing information from their Definitive Document in order to validate their qualification when they move to another country. Therefore, the information in the document needs to be detailed enough to answer these questions. The following suggested format is a guide to help you check you have covered all the important areas. It has been laid out the way a real validation document might be laid out so that you can, if you want, use it as a template for your own document. Feel free to change the order and add or delete sections which are not relevant (for example, your programme may not include placements or have programme specific regulations). The information to be included is the information that is important to your programme. If you require any advice on what to include, contact the Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement (GQE). One key point to remember is that your panel members will come from different backgrounds and that only the external(s) will have detailed subject expertise. With this in mind, it is important not to assume underpinning knowledge on the part of the readers and to explain the background and other key points in such a way that the proposal can be understood by a lay audience. Before submitting your document, you may find it helpful to cross reference with the validation checklist. It should be possible to find the answers to all the questions on the checklist in your document. Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement Tips for document production Producing a validation document can be difficult not just in terms of writing the content. Usually more than one person will be working on it and there will be various versions floating around. The following tips are practical advice for those not regularly involved with handling this kind of process. Version control. Nothing is more frustrating than finding the document you have spent the last two hours reformatting is not the most recent version. This is easy to do if people are emailing versions back and forth. You can make life easier by using either a shared drive or Sharepoint to store the working document. Speak to your School Office Administrator or School Manager for advice. Track changes. It is important to accept changes once they are approved to stop the document getting too messy. You can hide the corrections and deletions on your own screen by selecting the Final view but this does not remove them from the emailed or printed document. To do that you have to click Accept all changes in document. Alternatively, you can go through the changes and decide to Accept or Reject them on an individual basis. It is often wise to turn off Track Changes when attempting to change page numbers, paragraph numbers or footnotes. It is also advisable to turn it off when reformatting bullets, margins or tables. Tables of Contents. In the following template, the numbered items in the Contents table are cross-referenced to Headings within the document. As you edit the document the page number of each section will change. To correct the Table of Contents right-click on the page number and select Update field (or click on the number and hit F9). The number will change to where the relevant Heading is now located. If you add new sections, you will need to format them as a Heading (style name Heading 1). You will then be able to cross-reference to the Heading in the Table of Contents by inserting a cross-reference in the page number column.   NAME OF SCHOOL NAME OF DIVISION VALIDATION DOCUMENT TITLE OF PROGRAMME(S) Month Year (date of event) CONTENTS Page1Programme specification PAGEREF _Ref160876665 \h 21.1Aims PAGEREF _Ref139277118 \h 41.2Outcomes PAGEREF _Ref139277124 \h 41.3Structure PAGEREF _Ref139277140 \h 51.4Admission criteria PAGEREF _Ref139277164 \h 61.5Regulations PAGEREF _Ref161021921 \h 81.6Transition arrangements PAGEREF _Ref161021996 \h 82Introduction PAGEREF _Ref160876676 \h 63Rationale PAGEREF _Ref160962044 \h 104Market research PAGEREF _Ref161021859 \h 105Programme structure PAGEREF _Ref161021876 \h 116Learning, teaching and assessment methods PAGEREF _Ref161021894 \h 117Placements PAGEREF _Ref161021902 \h 158Student support PAGEREF _Ref161022005 \h 169Resources PAGEREF _Ref161022059 \h 1810Staff  PAGEREF _Ref161022067 \h 2011Programme management PAGEREF _Ref161022089 \h 2212Quality assurance procedures PAGEREF _Ref161022089 \h 2213References PAGEREF _Ref144131537 \h 23APPENDICES:IModule descriptors PAGEREF _Ref161036634 \h 22IIMembers of the planning team PAGEREF _Ref161037223 \h 25 Programme specification Programme title(s)eg BA (Hons) Business Management or MSc Global Health SCQF level of awardSCQF level of the highest level of the programme: 10 for an honours degree; 11 for Masters; 12 for Professional Doctorate Subsidiary exit pointsLower awards available for students who dont complete the full programme. Normal exit points are: (Honours degree) CertHE, DipHE (both unnamed), BA / BSc (usually named) For pre-registration Health programmes, indicate whether there is a named BSc exit point for students who complete the academic components and meet the minimum number of credits for award but are unable to complete the mandatory placements to allow them to register as practitioners. (Masters degree) PgCert (may be named the panel will want to see sufficient evidence of specialist content), PgDip (usually named) Delivered by Professional registration and/or professional body accreditation This section should only be used by collaborative programmes where the teaching institution is not 鶹ӰԺ Use this section to name any professional/regulatory body/bodies which will accredit/will be invited to accredit the programme(s) under consideration. Mode of studyFT / PT Classroom-based / blended / online learning DurationMinimum and maximum time periods for completion, full and part time (See HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/registration-regulations/"Registration Regulations | 鶹ӰԺ (qmu.ac.uk) section 4. If you are unsure what the maximum time period should be for your programme, check with your School Manager.) DivisionDivision housing the programme (or supporting it in the case of a collaboration) Programme LeaderName of programme leader (for a collaborative programme this will be the programme leader in the partner institution, not the Collaborative Academic Lead) Collaborative Academic LeadFor collaborative programmes only. It is essential that each collaborative programme has a named link tutor from the host Division. Expected student numbers Minimum student numbers Approximate numbers per level per year; if more than one cohort per year make this clear. Indicate the minimum number of students for the programme to be viable. Maximum student numbersIf for practical reasons there is a maximum number of students you can admit, state the maximum number here. Start dateStart date of first cohort (or first cohort to be covered by this version of the programme if revalidation) 1.1 Programme aim(s) Set out the over-arching aim or aims of the programme. Try to keep the aims high level and avoid having too many of them. The aims should be distinguished from the programme learning outcomes (below) and should focus on how you expect graduates to benefit from the award. For example, the aim of a pre-registration healthcare programme will be centred on preparing graduates who have the skills and attributes to work in their profession. The aims of less vocational programmes may be more broad-based and may include (for example): developing graduates who have a range of practical and intellectual skills necessary for management and leadership roles enabling graduates to explore the theories and concepts of their field of study and to apply this knowledge to real world situations equipping graduates with the tools to work within communities to effect positive change 1.2 Programme learning outcomes Overall programme learning outcomes should be aligned with the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework and the Universitys graduate attributes. They should also be checked against any subject benchmark statements that may apply. It is advisable to check during the planning process that all learning outcomes have been taught and assessed. It has been known for teams to forget to do this and find at the last minute that some outcomes simply cant be achieved! For undergraduate programmes it is appropriate to list learning outcomes for each individual level. For postgraduate programmes, list the learning outcomes for subsidiary exit awards there will normally be fewer outcomes for the PgCert, more for the PgDip and all outcomes apply to the MSc. 1.3 Programme structure Level One CodeTitleCreditsAssessment formatSemester Level Two CodeTitleCreditsAssessment formatSemester Level Three - New CodeTitleCreditsAssessment formatSemester Level Four CodeTitleCreditsAssessment formatSemester Admission criteria Set out the standard entry requirements for the programme, remembering to include any special criteria. Consult with Admissions to ensure your entry requirements remain up to date and appropriate. Include: minimum IELTS score for students whose first language is not English (if this is higher than the 鶹ӰԺ standard for UG and PG of 6.0 overall and 5.5 for each element, provide a justification. any requirement for specific subjects they must have passed. any requirement for work experience. any requirement for current work role (e.g. must have access to a palliative care setting). criminal convictions policy. opportunities for non-standard entry and Recognition of Prior Learning. State any special admissions procedures that are used, such as auditions or interviews. Clarify safeguards in place and reasonable adjustments available to ensure equitable treatment of all applicants regardless of protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation). It is good practice to include a statement on the admission of disabled applicants, referring to section 12 of the HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/admissions-policy/"Admissions Policy. If there are professional or regulatory body restrictions/requirements for admission, has this been made sufficiently clear? It is also important to clarify in this section the arrangements that are in place / steps that are being taken to recruit students who might otherwise be less likely to access the programme. For example, if your course traditionally attracts relatively few male applicants, what measures are you taking to address this? This is a section that often leads to questions from the Panel, if the information provided isnt as clear as you think it is. For guidance, sample text is in the boxes below. You can use this and adjust it to your programme. Undergraduate Radiography Applicants must meet the minimum entry requirements for undergraduate programmes as set out in the University HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/admissions-policy/"Admissions Policy. Typical entry Students entering onto the programme will normally have 240/245 UCAS Tariff points comprising: A levels (C, C, C); Highers (B, B, B, C); Irish Leaving Certificate (B, B, B, C). Special academic requirements English and two science subjects at S level, Intermediate 2 or GCSE are required. At least one science subject is required at Higher or A Level. Additional requirements We expect all applicants to have visited an appropriate diagnostic imaging department or a Radiotherapy Department to provide an insight into the chosen profession. All candidates offered a conditional place are invited to attend for a final, individual and standardised selection interview. Criminal conviction checks Admission to the programmes is dependent on a satisfactory formal Protection of Vulnerable Groups check at the enhanced level. These are conducted via Disclosure Scotland, the Criminal Records Bureau in England and Wales, or the Police Service of Northern Ireland. A Certificate of Good Conduct from an Embassy, Consulate or National Police Force of other countries will be required. FE and Access students: Applications are welcomed from mature students from science-based Access or Vocational Courses. Each application is assessed on its individual merits. Applications for entry with advanced standing are referred to the Universitys Recognition of Prior Learning Panel. Prospective students are encouraged to call the Admissions Tutor to discuss options. English language requirements: Applicants must be able to communicate in English to a standard equivalent to level 6.0 of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), with no element below 6.0. Health status: The University has an obligation to ensure that graduates from its pre-registration healthcare programmes are fit to practise. This means we need to consider whether students have a long-term health condition or disability that could prevent them from practising safely without supervision. A self-declaration of health status is required to determine any support required in the clinical environment. The University will consider information disclosed in line with its policy on the admission of disabled applicants, as set out in the Admissions Policy and Fitness to Practise Policy. The University will not discriminate on the grounds of health or of disability where it can be demonstrated that an applicant or student undertaking a healthcare programme is capable of practising safely and effectively without supervision. MSc International Management and Leadership Standard entry requirement: An honours degree in any subject Non-standard entry: An undergraduate general (unclassified) degree in any subject along with substantive work experience at supervisory level No formal degree level qualification but substantive professional experience that maps to Level 10 in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework, along with evidence of commitment to study and continuing professional development. Applications for non-standard entry will be assessed by the Programme Admissions Group to ensure consistency of decision-making. An interview with the applicant will normally be arranged in order to gather evidence. Entry will be based on the following criteria: Evidence of appropriate work experience and supporting CPD activity which maps against the SCQF level descriptors for level 10; A statement of what the applicant has learnt from the above activity, showing how the learning has been at the equivalent of SCQF level 10; Evidence of motivation to study at Masters level; Supporting references. It may be appropriate for applicants without academic qualifications to be admitted initially as an associate student. Should they be successful in their first module as an associate student, they may then transfer to the full programme. Applications for entry with advanced standing (ie credit for previous study) are referred to the Universitys Recognition of Prior Learning Panel. Credit may also be given for prior experiential learning. Normally credit given will be specific rather than general, i.e. on a subject for subject basis, and must be Masters (M) level (SCQF 11). No more than half the credit for a 鶹ӰԺ postgraduate award may be gained for study outside the institution. Credit may not be given for the Masters dissertation, which must be completed at 鶹ӰԺ in order to gain the award of MSc. English language requirements: Applicants must be able to communicate in English to a standard equivalent to level 6.5 of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), with no element below 6.0. This score is higher than the University standard of 6.0 with no element below 5.5. The justification for this is.  1.5 Regulations Include a statement: Unless otherwise stated, the University Regulations apply. You should include a link to the standard assessment regulations, which may be found here: HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/general-assessment-regulations/"General Assessment Regulations and Policy including Grade Descriptors | Student Essential Information | 鶹ӰԺ (qmu.ac.uk) Your programme may have programme specific regulations, especially if it is a professional programme. Before the validation you should check any proposed regulations with your School Manager to that there are no unforeseen consequences. Some programmes include attendance regulations in relation to key practical classes. Be clear as to how attendance is monitored and what happens when students dont meet the attendance requirements. 1.6 Transition arrangements This is only necessary for programmes which are being revalidated. If any students will be part way through the programme when it changes, set out the arrangements for ensuring they will be able to complete their degree without disruption. If the curriculum is changing significantly, it may be simplest to continue to run the previous version of the programme for current students and start the new programme for new students only. Alternatively, you may wish to transfer existing students to the new award. Make clear which option you are going for and how it will work. Note that if the revised programme only kicks in one year at a time, you will need to consider whether any changes should be made to the previous version of the programme so that existing students dont miss out on enhancements. For example, you may want to keep the current programme structure but bring in revised versions of modules so as to improve the student experience. Remember to consider how students who are part-time or who have to repeat or defer will be affected by any changes to the programme structure. Consider also whether modules that are running out will be viable with smaller numbers. Think also about possible impact on related programmes that may access modules as electives; or collaborative programmes that use these modules. If no transition arrangements are needed, state this and explain why. In most cases, some arrangements will be needed to take account of students who repeat or defer. In this section you should also explain how students affected by the changes have been informed and consulted. Introduction The introduction should set the context for the programme. If this is a revalidation of an existing programme, state the date of the last review. If there are any major changes to the programme compared to the previous version (such as a change of name) highlight this here. (You may cross-refer to the review document to avoid duplication of material.) If it is a new programme give an indication of where the initiative has come from. Summarise the purpose of the programme and whether it leads to eligibility for any form of professional registration. Understandably, panels tend to be interested in the whole student journey from pre-entry through to graduate destinations. As such, it may be useful to state who the programme is aimed at and why people would want to take it. (e.g. This programme is suitable for professional practitioners wishing to enhance their management and leadership skills.) The introduction should also touch on the relationship between this programme and other similar programmes delivered by 鶹ӰԺ. For example, if the programme is a postgraduate degree, you may wish to indicate progression routes from relevant 鶹ӰԺ undergraduate programmes. Panels also tend to be interested in the place of a programme within the wider Divisional context. This is especially true if there are shared modules across a few programmes, in which case the Panel will want to understand the distinguishing features. Top tip: Throughout the document, remember to be explicit about any instances of good practice in LTA, student support, or other aspects of programme management and delivery. Very often Panels recommend programme teams to strengthen the narrative in the documents because some of the positive features discussed at the event have not been showcased in the paperwork as strongly as they might have been. Rationale / Proposed changes Your approach to this section (and its title) depends on whether you are validating a new programme or revalidating an existing programme. New programmes should set out their rationale. In this section you should set out the rationale for developing the programme and the philosophy informing the planning process. A discussion of the external context and policy drivers that have affected programme design should be included. A comparison should be offered with other similar awards offered locally, nationally and overseas (if applicable). A statement should be included on how the development fits with the Universitys strategic plan. Include statements on: The use of external reference points including the QAAs UK Quality Code, QAA subject benchmark statements and professional body standards The use of internal reference points including the Universitys HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/student-experience-strategy/"Student Experience Strategy  (2021-26) and HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/graduate-attributes/"Graduate Attributes Any links to HYPERLINK "https://www.enhancementthemes.ac.uk/"Enhancement Themes or other enhancement-led initiatives. Existing programmes should highlight the proposed changes they wish to make to the programme, along with the rationale for doing so. If these changes are being made as part of a review and revalidation, the proposals should follow naturally from the evidence presented in the review document. If the changes are being made outside the normal review cycle, this will be because of some shift in the external environment or for some other important reason. This should be spelt out here. You may also find it useful to refer to external reference points, professional body guidance or government policy documents here, as well as the internal reference points mentioned above. It is helpful to highlight the proposed changes in a table to guide the panel. For example: Proposed changeRationale/notesIntroduction of three new electives with titles as follows:Informed by student feedback and employer demand (see p.23 of the review document for further information). Removal of part-time routeLow student numbers resulting in poor quality student experience (see statistics from Registry - Appendix to the review document) and student feedback (p.24 of the review document) Inclusion of more content on a particular topic Informed by refreshed professional body guidelines or new Subject Benchmark Statements  Market research and consultation Evidence (in a summarised form) of the consultation engaged in the development of a new programme or in making major changes to an existing programme should be provided. This should include details of who was consulted, by what means, the information those consulted received on which to base an opinion (normally the draft programme proposal or a summary) and a summary of their opinions. It is important to remember to discuss both student and employer demand. Consultation should take place with the following groups: Professional and statutory bodies as appropriate; Current External Examiners on related programmes or other assessors; Students currently on the programme (reviews only) or related programmes; Graduates of the current or related programmes; Potential employers; Service users; Others, as appropriate The document should also discuss the target market for the programme. This is particularly important where a programme is being put forward for revalidation despite low recruitment in the past. Discuss any plans to increase recruitment from previously under-represented groups, e.g. disabled students, direct entrants from FE, or students from previously under-represented genders, social or ethnic backgrounds. When reviewing an existing programme, the detailed outcomes of consultation will be covered in the review document. For the programme document you only need to summarise the key findings that have affected curriculum development. Programme structure A table with the full programme structure should be included in section 1.3 at the start of the document. This makes it easier for people to see at a glance how the programme fits together. After the event, Academic Administration staff will use this to set up the programme structures on the Student Records System. If the programme may be taken part-time, you should provide more information in this section about how the part-time route works alongside the full-time one. Examples of the part-time student journey are helpful for panels. Sometimes a number of inter-linked programmes are validated together. Colleagues in Academic Administration may be able to help you to find the best way to set out information about different routes, and core and elective modules for each. You should include clear information on: Core modules and optional elements Sequence of progression between levels / stages Routes for part-time students Pre-requisites and co-requisites (if applicable) Timing of placements (if applicable) Timing of projects Subsidiary exit points For optional modules, clarify whether there are minimum numbers required for the modules to run. Tables or calendars may be useful in explaining the timing of placement blocks through the year. For example: SemesterAcademic Week ActivityModules One 1-14 Academic Science and Technology Professional Studies for Health Professionals Introduction to Cancer and its Management15-17 Holiday 18Clinical Work-based Learning 1Two 19-31Academic Science and Technology (cont) Introduction to Cancer and its Management (cont) Radiotherapy Science 32Holiday33Academic Assessment34HolidayThree 35-52Clinical Work-based Learning 1* (To include 3 weeks of holiday) * students must pass Work-based Learning 1 to proceed to Work-based Learning 2 You are encouraged to include a narrative section explaining how the curriculum builds and develops throughout the programme. Sometimes it is helpful to pick out how certain key skills are scaffolded from one year to the next, or how over-arching themes are developed. For example, students may be introduced to principles of evidence-based practice in their first year, followed by statistics and sampling in their second year; then research methods, followed by a final year project. Information on the minimum 鶹ӰԺ requirements for different awards is available on the Quality website (HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/university-awards/"University Awards | 鶹ӰԺ, Edinburgh (qmu.ac.uk)). Learning, teaching and assessment methods This should be a substantial section that allows the Panel to get a full picture of how you plan to deliver the programme and all the strategies you will use to develop the students from bewildered Freshers to confident graduates. The section should be descriptive and specific. Outline your educational philosophy and the range of learning experiences students will be offered. Discuss anything unusual about the pattern of delivery, e.g. week blocks, blended learning, work-based learning. Dont be afraid to highlight any examples of good practice. Panels will be particularly interested in formative assessment. It is important that Panels can see how you will use formative assessment to develop students skills. Include a paragraph or two setting out your approach and the types of exercises that will be used in class or through the virtual learning environment. Consider how students will be prepared for types of assessment that may be wholly new to them, such as reflective essays, OSCEs or oral presentations. You may wish to include some specific examples of the relationship between formative and summative assessment. Discuss the types of assessment that will be used (normally there will be a range of assessment types if not, provide a justification). You should include the assessment formats in the programme structure table in section 1.3. Panels may find it helpful to see more detail in this section about the spread of assessments between semesters. Level 1ModuleCreditsAssessmentSem 1Sem 2Introduction to Stuff20MCQ (40%) case study (60%)Stuff and Society202000-word essay (100%)Practical Skills20Reflective essay (100%)OSCE (pass/fail)Communication Skills20Presentation 15mins (80%); leaflet (20%)Placement 20Assessed by supervisor pass/failDigital Stuff20Group wiki (80%)Individual abstract (20%) This allows the panel to see, at a glance, the variety of skills tested within the programme. A breakdown of which assessments will be due in which semester lets the panel estimate the overall assessment load for students. In the example given above, for instance, the Panel might want to ask about the apparent imbalance between student workload in semester 1 and semester 2. Panels also frequently ask about consistency in the volume of assessment and the word count for modules with the same credit value. It may seem obvious, but it is important to make sure the information in tables of this kind is consistent with the moule descriptors and also that numbers add up, for example assessment weightings need to total 100%. If you make substantial use of group activities for assessment the panel may wish to know more about how group work is marked, criteria for peer marking or use of contribution marks, and how you will ensure equity of student experience. Include a statement on inclusive learning and teaching and provide evidence of curriculum innovation and development to enhance the consideration of equality and diversity at programme and module levels. Have you reflected on strategies for dealing with the potential exclusionary dimensions of the programme; for example, if a students cultural or religious beliefs prevent them from engaging meaningfully with every aspect of the curriculum? You may wish to refer to the Universitys HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/inclusive-learning-and-teaching/"Inclusive Learning and Teaching Policy | 鶹ӰԺ, Edinburgh (qmu.ac.uk) There are a number of internal reference points to guide you: Student Experience Strategy 鶹ӰԺ Learning, Teaching and Assessment Guidance School Guidance if you draw on School Guidance it is recommended that you explain this in your document to let Panel members from the other School see that the suggested approach is consistent with School norms. Panel members may still ask questions but the reference to School resources will help the Panel place the discussion in context. LEAD Centre decolonising the curriculum, sustainability and EDI toolkit. Graduate Attributes See the HYPERLINK "/media/3v5oc4yt/validation-and-review-guidance-2022-tagged.pdf"Validation and Review Guidance notes for more information. The types of questions panels may ask include: How did you develop your overall learning, teaching and assessment strategy? How do you keep this under review to ensure it continues to be relevant and meet student and employer needs? Can you talk us through the rationale for contact hours? Can you give us examples of authentic learning, teaching and assessment opportunities that mirror the requirements of the workplace? What do you consider to be the advantages of a single assessment component/multiple assessment components? Do you anticipate/have you experienced any particular challenges associated with group work? How do/will you manage these? How does your assessment strategy accommodate different learning styles? What are the opportunities (if any) for peer and self-assessment? Placements If the programme contains any periods of practical placement, either core or optional, it is essential to provide information about how these are organised and assessed. Where the programme leads to professional registration this is particularly important. Normally, separate placement handbooks should be produced and the validation document may cross-refer to those for points of detail. The panel will, however, expect to be able to get the broad gist of how placements are managed from the validation document. (Note that GQE can provide more detailed advice on the content of placement handbooks on request.) The type of questions panels may ask include: How do students identify placements? Are they expected to find the placement themselves or does the teaching institution arrange it? (By teaching institution we mean either 鶹ӰԺ or the partner delivering the programme.) What agreements are there with employers / NHS trusts to provide places? What guidance do students get? Do they have to complete a portfolio? Is there a list of competencies to be met? If so, the panel may wish to see this. What support is offered to students by the teaching institution while they are on placement? What checks are there on the suitability of those supervising the placement? Are the placement supervisors offered any training or guidance? For professional programmes, the panel will expect to see a mentor / supervisor handbook. Do the placement supervisors assess the students? If so, what guidance do they receive on this? What are the communication arrangements between the University, supervisor(s) and student? How do students provide feedback/raise concerns about their experience on placement? Professional and regulatory bodies have detailed criteria regarding all aspects of practice-based learning, and these should be referred to. It is also worth checking the section of the HYPERLINK "https://www.qaa.ac.uk/the-quality-code/advice-and-guidance/work-based-learning"QAAs Quality Code relating to work-based learning Where appropriate, comment on any potential issues for individual students regarding the practicalities of placement; for example, if a student has particular educational needs; or arrangements for students with family responsibilities. Student support In this section you should discuss: Support for study skills, both within the curriculum and through the Library and Effective Learning Service. Support for students from a wide range of diverse backgrounds (considering protected characteristics such as age, gender, disability, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious belief, as well as direct entrants, part-time / full-time and so on). Where possible, it may be useful to It demonstrate an intersectional approach to this support. Going beyond support for individual students, it may be useful to indicate your strategy for developing an inclusive learning community and encouraging all students to feel part of a supportive cohort. Personal Academic Tutors who acts as PATs, how frequent are meetings, whether the PAT will look at draft work. You may wish to refer to the HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/qmu-personal-academic-tutor-pat-policy/"Personal Academic Tutoring guidance on the quality website: Arrangements for career and personal development planning and how this links to the PAT role, or any assessed elements of the curriculum. Opportunities for student involvement in quality processes e.g. through the Student-Staff Consultative Committee or other regular meetings with tutors. For part-time programmes it may be difficult for students to attend formal meetings what alternative mechanisms can be put in place to ensure the student voice is both heard and formally recorded? Careers advice, both from Student Services and from the programme team Students on programmes delivered at 鶹ӰԺ will have access to on-site Student Services. Programmes delivered by collaborative partners should clarify how they will provide an equivalent level of support. It is really important to remember that collaborative students typically do not have access to on-site Student Services and to avoid any inaccuracies in the document. Programmes delivered online will be restricted in the level of one-to-one support that can be provided. You may wish to seek guidance from GQE and Student Services. Discuss any special support needs your students may have, depending on the nature of the cohort. For example, the needs of pre-registration Masters students who have already completed a degree will be different to part-time learners who are in employment, rarely visit the campus and have been out of academia for some years. If your programme makes use of the Peer Assisted Learning Scheme, or there are other peer support activities in place, you may wish to include an overview of this here. For programmes delivered on campus, the text for this section will be fairly standard. Sample text is provided in the box below for you to adapt as appropriate. Note that when describing subject level support this must be tailored to your own subject area. For programmes delivered by partners, you should describe the equivalent support services that you provide. University support services The University provides a range of support services to address students academic and personal support needs. Most of these services can be accessed through the Student Services reception desk, which directs students to the best person to provide them with support. financial advice counselling and well-being support disability service careers advice Students with disabilities or additional learning needs are supported by the Subject Area Disability Coordinator who ensures that all reasonable adjustments are put in place to support the student in relation to teaching, learning and assessment. Individual learning plans are communicated to relevant staff. Meetings are held once per semester to discuss learning plans and make adjustments if necessary. Learning plans will be communicated to mentors in work-based learning in agreement with the student. The University Disability Services team provides advice and guidance to help develop the individual learning plan, and can also guide students towards additional resources and assistive technology where required. Other University support services include: administrative support from Academic Administration training in academic skills from the Effective Learning Service English language classes for students whose first language is not English a range of services to aid direct entrants, including a dedicated induction week and peer mentoring support provided by the Library Helpdesk and liaison librarians welfare and representation from the Students Union Longitudinal Induction All students are provided with a subject level induction when they join the programme. As well as providing essential information about the course and what students should expect, this includes ice-breaker activities and input from students in later years, who share their experiences of the transition to university study. Additional induction activities are built into the rest of the year, at key points in the lead up to assessment periods and after the semester 1 results are known. These include refresher guidance on academic skills and library use, plus specific guidance on understanding assessment marking criteria and making effective use of feedback. Further induction sessions are held at the beginning of each level of the programme. Level 4 students make use of the Dont Panic guide developed by Psychology students to prepare peers for the challenges of the final year of study. Throughout the year, useful resources and guides are made available to students via the virtual learning environment and signposted by lecturing staff when appropriate. Extra-curricular and social activities The team are aware of the role of extra-curricular and social activities in helping to build a supportive student cohort and develop additional graduate skills. Examples include a treasure hunt during induction week to build familiarity with the campus and cohort; an international bring-and-share meal mid-way through semester 1; and regular journal clubs and master classes. Students are strongly encouraged to sign up to the Universitys volunteer scheme, which includes opportunities to assist with peer mentoring, act as a student guide at open days, and become involved in school visits. Personal Academic Tutors Each student is assigned a personal academic tutor (PAT) at the start of the programme. The PAT meets with their students at least once a semester. PATs discuss students overall progress with them and suggest options that might help the student to deal with any challenges they face. A template is used to record the outcome of these meetings and any actions (as set out in the University guidance on personal academic tutoring). PATs may refer students to relevant professional services as required. Student representation and feedback The programme operates in line with the University regulations on student representation. Each cohort elects two representatives, who liaise with the programme team through the following mechanisms: The Student Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC) meets once per semester. Meetings are led by students, who determine the agenda. The Programme Committee meets once per semester, after the SSCC has met. Issues raised by students at the SSCC feed into the Programme Committee. On-going liaison. Student reps may raise an issue on behalf of their class at any time. The University (in partnership with the Students Union) provides training for class representatives to help them to fulfil their role effectively. Students are also invited to complete module evaluation forms after every module. The data from module evaluations is considered by the Programme Committee and reported on in the annual programme monitoring report. Additional opportunities to provide feedback are offered by the National Student Survey and 鶹ӰԺ Student Survey.  Resources This can be a fairly short section for programmes delivered at 鶹ӰԺ, as it is not necessary to go into detail about the standard facilities available on campus. However, collaborative partners should provide more information about the facilities available at their institutions. Include statements on: Teaching and learning accommodation and equipment; Learning resources; Central resources and services, including Library, IT, wi-fi, and educational technology resources; Others (please specify). New programmes should not be allowed to proceed to validation until the Academic Planning Board (APB) has confirmed that all resources required can be costed for within budget. Existing programmes do not need APB approval unless a significant change in delivery methods is planned. Collaborative programmes should be clear about the resources to be provided by 鶹ӰԺ, e.g. access to 鶹ӰԺ Library and IT facilities this will need to be negotiated at an early stage in the planning process with the Collaborative Academic Lead and relevant staff from support departments. The information in the box below sets out the detail of all the services offered by the Library. Please adapt or delete as needed depending on the nature of your programme. 鶹ӰԺ Library 鶹ӰԺ Library (or Learning Resource Centre (LRC)) is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The physical Helpdesk, based in the LRC, is open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 11am to 4pm Saturday and Sunday (semester time only). Physical resources and spaces The Library provides a wide range of print books and other learning resources (e.g. Film Studies DVDs, Speech and Language Therapy assessment packs) and offers a range of individual and group study, quiet and silent spaces (including a designated postgraduate study space), with fixed computer terminals and room for personal devices. There are laptop charging lockers and laptop loans available from the Helpdesk. There is an Assistive Technology Room in the LRC which houses various pieces of equipment and software for students with disabilities, and has fully adjustable desks. Online resources The majority of Library resources are online, including many subject databases and other online resources, including research methods collections, film and television streaming services and news resources. Staff and students can access these resources via the HYPERLINK "/study-here/learning-facilities/library/"Library website, links within HYPERLINK "https://canvas.qmu.ac.uk/"Canvas, or via HYPERLINK "https://libguides.qmu.ac.uk/"Library Guides with key resources for each subject area curated by the Liaison Librarian team. Most resources provided by 鶹ӰԺ are subscription-based and when accessed off-campus often require a 鶹ӰԺ username and password to log in; this is usually via Shibboleth authentication. As an alternative, HYPERLINK "/study-here/learning-facilities/it-services/remote-access/"Remote Access can be used. Students with print disabilities who are registered with the Disability Service (and staff, for work purposes) are entitled to register with HYPERLINK "/study-here/learning-facilities/library/rnib-bookshare/"RNIB Bookshare for access to accessible format academic books. Library support for students The Helpdesk supports general and technical enquiries. In-depth subject specific support is provided by the Liaison Librarian team, who HYPERLINK "https://libguides.qmu.ac.uk/Libraryservices/contactus"each support specific subject areas. Guidance for finding and using library resources are available online via HYPERLINK "https://libguides.qmu.ac.uk/Libraryservices/contactus"Subject Guides and the HYPERLINK "https://libguides.qmu.ac.uk/referencing"鶹ӰԺ Guide to Referencing and Plagiarism. Referencing guidelines are available from the 鶹ӰԺ Guide and HYPERLINK "https://www.citethemrightonline.com/"Cite Them Right Online. A series of HYPERLINK "https://qmu.libcal.com/"online workshops covering areas like search skills, accessing resources and referencing is delivered throughout the year. Students are able to HYPERLINK "https://qmu.libcal.com/"book one to one appointments with their Liaison Librarian for support with literature searching, referencing and other aspects relating to information literacy. Library induction information is provided to all new students, including partnerships and collaborations students. Programme and module leaders are encouraged to work with their Liaison Librarian to schedule embedded information literacy support throughout the academic year to enable students to receive support and teaching at relevant and appropriate times that meet their needs. Topics include literature searching, searching academic databases and the internet, search strategy development, critical evaluation, citations and referencing and reference management tools. Library support for teaching staff Academic staff can contact the HYPERLINK "mailto:Helpdesk@qmu.ac.uk"Helpdesk for Library and IT support. Liaison Librarians can provide support with finding and purchasing learning and teaching resources, Talis Resource List development and Canvas integration, and other aspects of learning and teaching resources provided through the Library (e.g. Kanopy). Each department has an allocated budget for purchasing resources. Module leaders are asked to provide reading lists to Liaison Librarians a minimum of eight weeks before the module is due to begin, with an indication of expected use and demand of the resource. This will ensure the Learning Resource Centre has sufficient time to identify, purchase and ensure core materials are available in appropriate formats. Relevant policies: HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/inclusive-learning-and-teaching/"鶹ӰԺ Policy on Inclusive Learning and Teaching Materials HYPERLINK "/media/h4tf0cgc/resource-list-policy-v2-0621.pdf"鶹ӰԺ Reading Lists Policy HYPERLINK "/media/dakd2jap/library-services-collection-management-policy-2020.pdf"鶹ӰԺ LRC Collections Management Policy  Staff Following on from the discussion of resources, it is important to provide reassurance that the staff team is big enough to handle the delivery of the programme and that it covers all the specialisms necessary. Provide a figure for the number of FTE staff in the programme team. Include a statement on the opportunities for staff development and research and, if appropriate, how this is used to inform the curriculum. Teams will be expected to demonstrate commitment to a full range of staff development, including up to date learning and teaching methods and methods of supporting a diverse student cohort. It may also be appropriate to discuss the level of technical and administrative support. It is useful to include information on how new staff are inducted. For professional programmes, the panel will wish to be assured that a sufficient number of staff are registered professionals. It may be helpful to include information on other existing programmes so that the panel can see how the programme under consideration impacts on the teams overall workload. Clarify the extent to which visiting lecturers (VLs) and other external contributors will be used. If a number of VL inputs are anticipated, include a statement on how they will be co-ordinated to ensure their input is relevant to the learning outcomes. For collaborative programmes, the panel will need to be assured that there are appropriate opportunities for staff at the partner institution to develop their knowledge and understanding of 鶹ӰԺ procedures and regulations. Programme management Briefly discuss the respective roles of: The Head of Division The Programme Leader The Programme Committee The Student-Staff Consultative Committee The Joint Board of Studies (collaborative programmes only) The Board of Examiners Module Co-ordinators The Quality website is a useful resource: HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/resources-for-programme-leaders/"Resources for Programme Leaders | Quality and Governance | 鶹ӰԺ (qmu.ac.uk) It is important to describe the programme management arrangements which will apply in your Division or institution, not merely to copy from the regulations. For collaborative programmes it is useful to summarise arrangements for liaison between 鶹ӰԺ and the partner institution, for example: Will there be regular staff exchanges? How will staff work together to evaluate and enhance the programme? For franchise programmes, will module co-ordinators have direct contact with their counterpart at the partner institution? On-campus programmes may wish to adapt the standard text in the box below. This is borrowed from the programme document for MSc Advancing Physiotherapy Practice. Your document must reflect the structures in your own subject area. The management of the Programme is founded on the HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/regulations-policies-and-procedures/programme-management/"鶹ӰԺ guidelines on management of programmes. Details of the generic management roles can be found in this document for: Dean of School; Head of Division; Programme Leader; Module Co-ordinators; Programme Committee, and the Personal Academic Tutoring System. The Head of Division is responsible for the overall administration of staff duties, supported by Professional Leadership within Physiotherapy. The Head of Division is responsible for the co-ordination of activities, and facilitates allocation of teaching and administrative responsibilities such as programme leadership, module co-ordination, and personal academic tutees, taking into account staff expertise and non-teaching commitments such as PhD students, research, income generation or external links. The Head of Division liaises with the Dean to manage staff numbers, absences and the employment of visiting lecturers. Staff development in teaching and learning, professional issues and liaison and research/ commercialisation activity for the Division are also co-ordinated by the Head of Division. Day-to-day management of the programme is undertaken by the Programme Leader, who chairs the Programme Committee. The Programme Committee includes all module leaders and student representation and is responsible for overseeing the programme, receiving quality reports and addressing any quality issues that may arise. Changes to modules, programme structure or programme specific regulations may be considered by the Programme Committee and referred to the School Academic Board for approval. Within the day-to-day running of the course the Programme Leader co-ordinates: programme evaluation, annual monitoring and review, corresponding with module co-ordinators to oversee the programme teaching and learning balance and deals with student issues either in the absence of the module co-ordinator or PAT or to support the staff and students in difficult circumstances. The Programme Leader liaises with the Admissions Tutor in relation to student admission and liaises with the Head of Division in relation to recruitment and marketing. Module Co-ordinators manage the day-to-day running of the module and are the main point of contact with the students on that module. They have an overall responsibility for the teaching and learning of the module content, assuring at all times that students have access to online materials/ Hub and updated module information e.g. assessment. Likewise feedback of assignment comments to students and module evaluation are undertaken in this role. The Board of Examiners is conducted as a joint board within the Division which will include the Head of Division, the programme leader, the module leaders and the external examiner. No marks can be confirmed without the approval of the Board of Examiners.  Quality assurance procedures Briefly summarise the quality assurance arrangements for the management, operation and monitoring of the programme, including: student feedback arrangements evaluation mechanisms and how module evaluation data is used provision for student representation annual monitoring external examiners See HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/committees-regulations-policies-and-procedures/"Governance, Regulations, Policies and Procedures | Quality and Governance | 鶹ӰԺ (qmu.ac.uk) for full information on all aspects of quality assurance and enhancement at 鶹ӰԺ. The documentation should identify any areas where the programme deviates from the standard University quality assurance procedures, citing the reasons, such as professional and statutory body requirements. This section should also be used to highlight any innovative approaches to quality assurance either planned or in operation. For collaborative programmes it is useful to note that there will be a signed Memorandum of Agreement setting out respective responsibilities and entitlements of both partners. On-campus programmes may wish to adapt the standard text in the box below. The programme is governed by the standard quality assurance procedures of the University. The Universitys quality framework includes five main pillars: Validation and periodic review External examiners Annual programme monitoring Committee scrutiny Student feedback An external examiner is appointed for the programme who meets the criteria set out in the Universitys Governance and Regulations. [Add more detail if the programme is HCPC approved.] Marks cannot be confirmed by the Board of Examiners without approval of the external examiner. Each external examiner writes an annual report commenting on the curriculum, management of assessment and standards of student achievement. This report is copied to the Principal, University Secretary and Dean of School, as well as the Programme Leader, who is required to respond on behalf of the programme team. Responses are reviewed by the Dean of School to confirm any issues raised by the examiner have been addressed. Each Programme Leader is required to write a programme monitoring report every year. This report is enhancement led and reflective, asking programme leaders to comment on the success of the programme and identify any examples of good practice. The report includes an annual action plan and an update on progress against the previous years action plan. Reports are submitted centrally to the Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement and copied to the Head of Division and Dean. The Dean of School subsequently prepares a composite report for consideration by the School Academic Board and Student Experience Committee. This process provides for oversight of the management and operation of programmes. It facilitates dissemination of good practice and allows matters of interest to the University or one of its senior committees to be referred to the appropriate level. 鶹ӰԺ operates a committee structure which allows for collective scrutiny of key decisions affecting taught programmes, and for sharing of good practice with colleagues. Changes to the programme between reviews are submitted to the Programme Committee, which then makes recommendations to the School Academic Board. The School Academic Board has overall responsibility for the quality of programmes delivered within the School. Programme Leaders gather student feedback on the quality of the student experience on an on-going basis. Mechanisms include: Student representation and staff-student consultative committees Module evaluation National Student Survey and 鶹ӰԺ Student Survey Student feedback is reported on at the Programme Committee and appropriate actions agreed in response. These actions are built into the annual programme monitoring report and action plan.  References Any documents or sources referred to above. APPENDIX I Module Descriptors Electronic copies of the HYPERLINK "/about-the-university/quality/forms-and-guidance/forms-for-programme-design/"module descriptor forms and instructions for completion are available on the Quality website. It is important to ensure that they are completed in full and in a standardised format. Particular attention should be paid to ensure the following: Module descriptors are complete and standardised; Learning outcomes are appropriate for the SCQF level; Texts cited in module descriptors are reviewed and updated; Notional hours of student effort have been included (10 hours per credit); Where there is more than one element of assessment, the weighting between each element is included. Do not, however, attempt to assign weightings between elements of assessment which are marked as pass/fail only. You should speak to your liaison librarian to ensure you reading list is up to date and to confirm that copies are available in the library or as e-books. Note that the form contains some drop-down boxes for certain categories. This is to ensure that the information matches with the categories used by HESA. Full guidance is available from the Quality website. APPENDIX II Membership of the planning team Programme Leader Staff in the Division Student / graduate representatives (if applicable) Employer representatives (if applicable) Library representative (if applicable) Service user representative (if applicable)     PAGE  PAGE 18 This is a structure for a 4-year Honours degree - adapt as necessary for other types of award. If known - new modules will be assigned codes after the validation conditions have been signed-off New programmes only For existing programmes which are being reviewed or changed  /01LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]鱱qq]&ha%5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph)hE-ha%B*CJOJQJ^JaJph,hE-ha%5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph&h<5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph&ha%5B*CJOJQJ^JaJphhha%B*^JaJph(jhrhrU^JmHnHtH u,hha%>*B*CJOJQJ^JaJph 01MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\ $da$gda%$a$gda% dgda%\]lmn   c $ & Fd]a$gd#$ & Fd]a$gd$7d]^7a$gd$7d]^7a$gdE-gda% $da$gda%]fklmno   : Y   ygUUUUCCCUCCCCCC#hd)sB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h?5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#ha%B*CJOJQJ^JaJph,h<h<5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph&h<5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h<B*CJOJQJ^JaJph hEBha%ha%,hE-h<5B*CJOJQJ^JaJph&h?55B*CJOJQJ^JaJph&h45B*CJOJQJ^JaJph         b c f g        J K U W f ۷ۥۓۥoooooۥ#hE-B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h<B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hjB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#h#B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#ha%B*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#hd)sB*CJOJQJ^JaJph#haB*CJOJQJ^JaJph+    $f} /F 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